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AIMDBC Call for Action and Participation
We would like to be a resource to Canadians, and become part of the solution in the Physician shortage in rural areas of BC.
We have been told that it is difficult to increase the number of
residencies to the number needed to satisfy Canadians needs, but no
other processes or strategies have been created or tried. We think other
ways can be as successful as the residency program; we can mirror other
provinces where special courses and temporary licences increase the
options for IMG’s.
The CSA’s (Canadians studying medicine abroad) that are facing the same
difficulties that we are facing, are essentially IMG’s too, and are as
frustrated as us, with the “bottleneck” issue that the residency number
-Rural B.C. needs more physicians
-There are enough IMG’s (including CSA’s) to provide suitable and qualified medical coverage to all B.C.
-AIMD BC calls to Government, College, University, and patients to think
outside the box to find bridges to help BC, thus us all.
Come and join us!!
Hedi D. Chable, President